ZIP file support - ROM Selection window can navigate into zip files ARM Additions - Profiling can now be viewed as 'cycles / call' - this shows the relative performance of a single call to the program's function - Distinguishes between memory alignment requirements for different ARM architectures - ARMv4 doesn't allow misalignment at all and will access an aligned address instead - ARMv7 does allow misalignment depending on the instruction - recent versions of Gopher2600 incorrectly assumed a ARMv7 architecture, which leads to incorrect Harmony emulation - Misaligned memory accesses optionally treated as memory faults - when enabled misalignment is reported in the memory faults window - and will cause execution to abort if Abort of Memory Fault option is enabled - Strobing of local variables in local variables window - Added COPROC MEM DUMP - also accessible through context menu in static memory window ARM Corrections / Bug Fixes - Static memory window performance improvement - ASR disassembly corrected - COPROC ID corrected - 32bit EOR (register) instruction - Allocation of instruction to source lines uses EndSequence flag in DWARF line entry - this improves startup time and removes trailing instructions from functions - Disassembly of 32bit instructions - instructions following a 32bit instruction had the wrong address - More accurate identification of VCS "kernel" in which ARM code is being executed Other Bug fixes - Fixed supercharger mutliloading for 'fastload' binaries - PlusROM network transmission - Corrected reflection of HMOVE information - a new HMOVE would be noted in the reflection overlay but it would never be cleared Other Changes - Notification icons and FPS window - ARM developer icon moved to the FPS overlay - FPS window now shows multiple icons if required - Mouse wheel works for rewinding in the debugger - moves in 10 frame increments. hold shift-key for single frame increments

Twin Series 7 - Twin Puzzle - Kisekae Wanko EX + Nyaa to Chuu no Rainbow Magic 2
Игры Game Boy Advance
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