D4BD-176F Start on level 3.1
D7BD-176F Start on level 3.2
D0BD-176F Start on level 3.3
D9BD-176F Start on level 4.1
D1BD-176F Start on level 4.2
D5BD-176F Start on level 5.1
D6BD-176F Start on level 5.2
DBBD-176F Start on level 6.1
FDBD-176F Start on level 7.3
FFBD-176F Start on level 7.4
F4BD-176F View the failed ending
F7BD-176F View the successful ending
62BF-17AF Start with lasers
62BF-17DF Start with homing missiles
62B4-1D6F Start with napalm
D4BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 2
D7BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 3
DFB1-17AF Start with 2 credits
D9B1-17AF Start with 6 credits
DBB1-17AF Start with 10 credits
C234-4FDD Infinite credits
D461-4D62 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 vulcan
D061-4FD2 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 vulcan
D761-4462 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 laser
D765-4DD2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 missile
D465-4FD2 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 napalm
D065-4F62 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 napalm
D465-4462 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 punch
D765-47D2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 punch
DD3F-1406 Energy chip worth nothing
CD3F-1406 Energy chip worth more
82C9-470C + 82C7-4FDC Protection against some hazards
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