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Сообщения - MaxwellNet

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Seriously guys, is there a real chance that the arcade version of Chase H.Q. 2 (2007) could be emulated soon so I can play it on my PC??

Is anyone actually 'working' on actually doing this or do we have to wait to see if someone comes up with a special loader to get the Chase HQ 2 rom\chd working within windows?

Yup, I extracted the HDD raw image from the CHD some time ago, then I will try to extract the game image after launching the game on the real hardware, and it would be playable on PC too, but it would require some io patches.

Перва же ссылка, нужно проверить:

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UPD: ссылки свежие, рабочие. Репостну ка ниже.
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chase_hq_2_v2.0.6.chd (1.05 GB):


It seems that it could run on the real hardware as it needn't any dongle. I'll have to make an image of the HDD file to try.

Да, только публичного релиза не было. Видел давно еще видео, где VF5 запускался в Debian на обычном PC.
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Попытался запустить HOD4:

flash@stardome:/mnt/loop/elf$ ./hod4M.elf
./hod4M.elf: error while loading shared libraries: libsegaapi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Finally, I found a libsegaapi in the lib folder of Race TV dump, I hope that it could replace it ; link : http://speedy.sh/XHvDT/sega.rar

и да,  как идёт дело по взлому рингэджа?

RingEdge SSD are protected, it's not an easy task, but hotswap methods should work. More info here : http://www.assemblergames.com/forums/showthread.php?46424-SEGA-RINGEDGE-MOTHERBOARD-INSIDE-PICTURES&p=681443&viewfull=1#post681443

You mean this... thing?
never heard about it, i can connect it to PC motherboard or something?

Not this io properly, but JVS controls, yes. This could be patched to avoid the game checking for it.

Below, a pic of the kind of JVS error you'd get if you'd launch it on your PC :

А можно-ли запустить пк-подобный дамп с автомата silent hill arcade?

он выложен тут: http://silenthillforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=24873
там необычный формат как бы дампа всех разделов жесткого через нортон гост, старая версия norton explorer подходит для распаковки

You need a JVS io to get it working.

To answer your questions we must have a ringedge or ringwide game dump that at least can be launched on normal PC (decrypted executable) and we don't have any of those games.

The only mean to get one of them should be a hotswap and, of course, having a RE or RW game.
The OS used in RE/RW games is a Win XP embedded.

If you don't want to install Steam to download Source SDK Base 2006, I uploaded the files needed here :
source materials.gcf : Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!iRBhlYrD!OxxqJXNPFM9gCkQ6_cXBXmEcXjEZJmD1BZYasYIw7co
source models.gcf : Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!2FJj3ZIa!bWuHiRZMXmiXoFY8B4-i9TvQt2AOwhplxG0MfXM_ioE
source sounds.gcf : Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!CVAF0QRZ!JResXAItmwSPGSRkuvTEzFF9YGo175aC2tSwUIgqNqI
After downloading the 3 gcf files, you need to extract them with GCFScape to the right game folders :
extract source models.gcf file to hl2/models/ game folder ;
extract source materials.gcf file to hl2/materials/ game folder ;
extract source sounds.gcf to hl2/sounds/ game folder.

Блин - ну почему не выложить было всё, что нужно для ХЛ2, чтобы сразу погамать? У меня всех этих GCF нет =(

1. You need to download and install The complete Half-Life 2 : Survivor Ver2.0 Content Dump : Torrent : http://static.glitchvid.com/stuff/hl2surv/stuff_hl2surv_HL2_AC.7z.torrent (2.7 GB, compressed in 7z format)

2. You need to download and install game.exe and binaries Fix : Download : http://www.mediafire.com/download/sri909loa15232f/HL2AC_binaries_v2.rar (17.7 MB)

3. You need to download and install (install without erasing preview HL2 files) Source SDK Base 2006 from Steam (in Tools section)

Half-Life 2 Survivor TTX+ dump + Fix download : http://f.ppxclub.com/606248-1-1

From : http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1281019

Marphy Black posted:
As promised, the release of ben1066's fixed Survivor binaries is here. My thanks goes to ben1066 for his work, glitchvid for hosting, pepper314 for his Story Mode crash fixes, and the generous individual who was willing to share Survivor with the community to begin with.
To fully run Survivor, you will need the following:
1. Ben1066's fixed binaries : Download : http://www.mediafire.com/download/sri909loa15232f/HL2AC_binaries_v2.rar (17.7 MB)
2. The complete Half-Life 2: Survivor Ver2.0 Content Dump : Torrent http://static.glitchvid.com/stuff/hl2surv/stuff_hl2surv_HL2_AC.7z.torrent (2.7 GB, compressed in 7z format)
3. Pre-2007 Half-Life 2 materials, models, and sounds (source materials.gcf, source models.gcf, and source sounds.gcf in your steamapps directory)
Once you have all that handy, follow the Readme instructions included with the fixed binaries and you'll soon be knee deep Japanese Half-Life 2.

Download links :

game.exe and binaries Fix : http://www.mediafire.com/download/sri909loa15232f/HL2AC_binaries_v2.rar (17.7 MB)

The complete Half-Life 2: Survivor Ver2.0 Content Dump Torrent : http://static.glitchvid.com/stuff/hl2surv/stuff_hl2surv_HL2_AC.7z.torrent (2.7 GB, compressed in 7z format)

What about Initial D Arcade Stages?  :)

Initial D Arcade Stage 5 is 3,98 GB.


Primevil Hunt Lindbergh iso dump : http://f.ppxclub.com/606085-1-1

2/2 links :

Password : www.emu-france.com

Primeval_Hunt.part1.rar (476.8 MB)

Primeval_Hunt.part2.rar (353.3 MB)

Lindbergh dumps coming :

After Burner Climax Lindbergh export iso dump : http://f.ppxclub.com/606076-1-1

Links 2/2 :

Password : www.emu-france.com

After_Burner_Climax.part1.rar (476.8 MB)

After_Burner_Climax.part2.rar (148.2 MB)

Most of them work on the real hardware without the need of gun i/o board.

Do these games work?

Yes, they work on the real hardware : Sega Lindbergh with MontaVista Linux.

Let's Go Jungle Lindbergh export iso dump : http://f.ppxclub.com/606029-1-1

2/2 links :

Let_s_Go_Jungle.part1.rar (476.8 MB)

Let_s_Go_Jungle.part2.rar (143.7 MB)

The King of Fighters Sky Stage Taito Type X dump :

Part 1 links : http://www.mirrorupload.net/file/1XIF2ASV/#!KoF_Sky_Stage_TX.part1.rar (238.42 Mb)

Part 2 link : https://mega.co.nz/#!oMUXAQKS!ZN-3ZDFNTXyWrJ_8s0vHYWQGR8YSomSrhEUTQ6DcR08 (216.1 MB)

It seems the launcher game.exe has to be decrypted to run with Type X loader.

Harikiri Professional Baseball Taito Type X dump :

Part 1 links : http://www.mirrorupload.net/file/3J7WAP58/#!Harikiri_Professional_Baseball_TX.part1.rar (238.42 Mb)

Part 2 links : http://www.mirrorupload.net/file/1HGUBI5U/#!Harikiri_Professional_Baseball_TX.part2.rar (175.15 Mb)

It seems the game has to be fixed to run with Type X loader.

Test mode screen :

Цитата: MetalliC
MaxwellNet, are you sure BattleGear4 really boots ? as I see here some people say:
"There are games without a dongle (Battle Gear 4) which have the key on the CMOS, if you remove the CR2032 battery, it will kill the game."

Yes, it is, exactly it boots to search update, then Taito Type X logo appears and Battle Gear 4 logo follows, then error 907.

Search update screen :

looks like good news  :thumbup:
I thinks so too. Most likely game wants drive board and/or special JVS IO.

Namco was involved in development of this arcade ? if yes - they make games with some kind of protection, so the game works only with JVSIO for that game, and dont work with any other.

Yes, extra JVS controls for driving are required.

Namco is not involved in this system. Btw, for my Type X², I use a Sega V2 i/O board :

Btw, I found a Nesys service exe in the partition 2 save game folder of SSFIV AE Ver.2012, I know that it should be useless without the card reader : https://mega.co.nz/#!EREVySAK!VJs24CjBoFz6z20NPclgkm_6l5YaIGufvzILEjQ9TRs

About Battle Gear 4 dump, the guy who dumped it made a raw dump, in fact, this game (like HL2 Survivor Ver 2.0) needn't any USB dongle to run on the real hardware, but all the game data are not extracted from vdimg_ec.img file in TypeXsys/data/ folder to run with a PC loader.

I will try this dump this afternoon on the real hardware, it should run as no USB dongle key is required to extract data.

Finally, I have tested Battle Gear 4 raw dump on Type X2, which needn't any USB dongle key to run on the real hardware, I got an error, system error code : 907. In fact, the game boots, the Taito TypeX logo appears, Battle Gear 4 logo screen appears, then system error code : 907 on a blue screen. I think it may due to driving controls for the i/O I don't have.

An error screen on Type X2 looks like that :

MaxwellNet, do you mean, that you can obtain the data which necessary to run this dumps on the pc? :wow:
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Rockman Z, на assemblergames кое-то этим занимается

All the game data are stored in vdimg_ec.img image file, so I will try to run it on the real hadware to get a backup of the extracted content.

About Lindbergh, on the real hardware, it's possible to run a copy of a Lindbergh game or a Lindbergh multigame copy with an Xbox 360 HD DVD player connected to the Lindbergh mother board.

Xbox 360 HD DVD required to launch Lindbergh gaming copies :

Про запуск Battle Gear 4, что нибудь слышно?

About Battle Gear 4 dump, the guy who dumped it made a raw dump, in fact, this game (like HL2 Survivor Ver 2.0) needn't any USB dongle to run on the real hardware, but all the game data are not extracted from vdimg_ec.img file in TypeXsys/data/ folder to run with a PC loader.

I will try this dump this afternoon on the real hardware, it should run as no USB dongle key is required to extract data.

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 Players Export Version Stand-alone 1.0

1/ Requirements :

- the former TTX2 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 1 Player Nesys 1.0 game

- TTX2 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 Players Export Version Stand-alone 1.0 Launcher file to use with the requirements above : http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1E6XIXMV/

2/ Fix for the Event mode in TTX2 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 Players Export Version Stand-alone 1.0 : http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1RCFNKKY/

Fix to replace :

Go to TTX2 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 1 Player Nesys 1.0 Resource/Ui/result/ folder and replace battle_support_result.emz with the one needed by TTX2 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 Players Export Version Stand-alone 1.0

3/ New passwords to put in Test mode for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 Players Export Version Stand-alone 1.0 :

- to unlock E. Ryu & Oni : TYV2BQ9C

- to unlock E. Ryu alone : TX4YQC98

Half-Life 2 Survivor Ver 2.0 needn't any dongle to run in the real hardware.

Btw, SSFIVAE US 2 players Stand-alone 1.0 is done, but there's a bug that gives a black screen in Event mode.

I noticed a bug with Type X loader in low-res mode (4/3), the title screen shows Ver. XX.XXx (tiles bug in the title ?) instead of Ver.2012, but Ver.2012 mention becomes perfect in the demo after the title screen.
This bug isn't there on the Type X2 hardware. I think a fix to use for Type X loader is needed.

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2 players US version will be released next week when we will receive it (NOT 2012 because we haven't found and haven't seen Ver.2012 version with 2 players default in the japanese local arcade rooms, and it seems 2012 version with 2 players doesn't exist, it's only running in 2 linked TX2 mobos in 2 Viewlix cabs).

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver.2012 Dump :



Infos about the release : SSFIVAE ver 1.1 (aka AE 2012) Nesys. U can notice Ver. 2012 yellow logo's not there before each round coz the title screen already has Ver. 2012 (see my pic and Famitsu.com one below to compare). About the changes, Hakan's already oiled before each round and all the other 2012 combos and changes are there too.

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