Tiger Heli
SZSYAEGK Don't take damage
SLXLGNVS Infinite lives--1-player game
AEUUYTZA Start with 2 lives--1-player game
AEUUYTZE Start with 9 lives--1-player game
IASUYYZA Start with 6 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
AASUYYZE Start with 9 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
IANLZYZA Start with 6 lives--player 2
AANLZYZE Start with 9 lives--player 2
LASNVVZA Extra life every 5 bonus blocks
XTVLUEZK Start with 2 little-helis after dying
TEKNAXIA Autofire capability
ZEKNAXIA Burstfire capability
GXVNZLZP Turbo boost
SUKLINVS + SUVULNVS Infinite lives--both players
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