Last Action Hero
AAUVSTLA Start with 1 life
TAUVSTLA Start with 7 lives
PAUVSTLE Start with 10 lives
AASTAILA Continue with 1 life
PASTAILA Continue with 2 lives
ZASTAILA Continue with 3 lives
SXXLOGVG Infinite lives
AAKTOTZA Start with 0 continues
IAKTOTZA Start with 5 continues
PAKTOTZE Start with 9 continues
SZEVZIVG Infinite continues
ESXZLAEY Kill bosses with one hit
VZSAEYVT Red hearts worth nothing instead of 1 life
SXOLSGTG Infinite energy
ZENTAAAA Start on stage 2: Hamlet
GENTAAAA Start on stage 3: The House
IENTAAAA Start on stage 4: The Freeway
TENTAAAA Start on stage 5: The Office block
YENTAAAA Start on stage 6: The Helicopter
AENTAAAE Start on stage 7: The Film Premiere
PENTAAAE Start on Stage 8: The Cinema
ZENTAAAE Start on the end-of-level bad guy
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